Monday, January 18, 2010

My heart is open I am listening. Though I still feel that things are not quite ideal, there has been a shift in my mindset and I have decided to accept it as it is. Although it is less than perfect and it requires a lot of effort on my part not to lose my cool, I can see that this is real, with none of the grey areas that I abhor. It is still something worth treasuring, flaws and all, because I can see a future. As important as it is to me, I will not make it my whole life because it is a lot more than just that.

Which is why I am going to direct my focus on the other aspects that make up my life. At the moment, I feel like I am losing my identity unless I secure my future. It is getting to be quite a sick affair repeating myself and justifying the choices I make. I know exactly what I am doing and why, but I probably should anchor my identity on the right things.

The stage has been set, all I need to do is to perfom when the time comes.

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