Friday, September 25, 2009

I usually take the time to reflect on the events of my day and today is no exception. To cut a long story short, I had a crap day at work. It is one of those days where a lot of things go wrong and all of a sudden, I am swamped with a million and one issues to tackle. Individually, they are small matters, but put them all together, and it becomes quite a handful.

I had to handle the mess that someone left behind when she quit the company. The client that she pissed off happens to be the most difficult and problematic one and had a history of giving the sales team a hard time. There were a lot of unresolved issues and it was only today that I found out how bad it was. I informed the managers and I did whatever I was instructed to do. Doing damage control is one thing, but suddenly I find myself bearing the brunt of their anger, just because they have no one else to be angry with. A classic case of the messenger getting shot, how very convenient.

If anything, I absolutely hate rude people and getting bullied unfairly. As no one from the sales team was re-assigned to take over the contract, I was tasked to try and handle the irate client and relay messages from the top. I did my best to accommodate them, putting up with the tirade til it got to the point where I became so fed up that I gave them back the attitude.

I am not a sales person and I do not know their protocol, neither am I someone who can make decisions. Yet, I was put in this very awkward position to get fired at just because I happen to be the messenger. I was majorly pissed off but in hindsight, I could have handled the situation better. I guess there are still many things for me to learn and taking people's shit without retaliating is one of them. I learnt that during my stint as a stewardess but I seem to have forgotten. However, I admit that I could have controlled my temper a little better.

The matter was settled by one of the managers, as it should have been from the very beginning so the chapter is closed. I had to handle some other stuff which threw me off a little because things were not handed over properly but there was not much drama there. Still, I am not feeling very happy. Tonight, I will talk to God and ask him to grant me the serenity and the wisdom to handle things better in the future.

and there was no one to take ownership of the contract.

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