Thursday, July 29, 2010

I have just completed the last day of my ground school, having survived 2 progress tests in the space of 2 weeks. Then, it is another round of slogging for the technical type and performance exams next week, and a final exam with the aviation authority mid August.

Training-wise, it is all good so far and I have already started on the simulator sessions. I cannot wait to get the exams out of the way as the studying is interfering with my preparations for the sims. I barely have the time and the mental capacity to consolidate whatever I have learnt since it is quite full on. I am knackered after every session as there is just so much information to process and the mind is constantly working on overdrive to keep ahead of the aircraft.

My first paycheck from the company came in last week and it made me smile for it signals a big change in my life. For once in a very long time, I am finally experiencing financial freedom and it feels good. Despite my recent pain and all the struggles I have gone through to get here, I know God has blessed me in many ways and I am extremely grateful. In the end, it will all be ok, if it is not ok, it is not the end.

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