Tuesday, April 25, 2006

I will never fuck around with my hair again. Next time, I'll just pay to have my hair trimmed. No more trying to be an itchy smartass and DIY. If you have just paid $180 for hair extensions, you'd definately agree that is a wiser thing to do.

Yep, it was THAT bad.

And I don't have the patience to wait for my fringe to grow to an acceptable length. I have had enough of gelling and pinning up my fringe!

It was a very expensive rectification process. Lesson learnt. Nabei lah, I have done it once again.


Anonymous said...

Hair extensions?? I think many a time, women think the new hairstyle looks weird or disatrous because they're not used to seeing themselves like that.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, seems like it must hav been quite a disaster from your DIY fringe cutting, to make ya wanna go for hair extension. Though i must say i am certainly quite curious to see how "Ribena" you have become. Now, u have jus dashed all tat chance away. Well, i'll just have ta look @those Ribena cheer-packs @7-Eleven then. hehe....Catchup with ya soon in mid-May ;)

From: Mister L.

BBIguana said...

you went for hair extension for ur fringe??
so nw ur fringe is back to normal??
Keep in touch..

Vinny =)

alhnom said...

omg. u spent so much for the fringe? yikes. oh well, next time no more DIY k? hug.

btw, the 4th is tentatively set for us to meet. gimme a call when u get back. take care babe.

marvin tan said...

Slow down in life my friend.. take some time to see whats around us which we often took for granted while trying to speed up our fast paced life.

Easy for me to say cos now i'm not working yet and going for a holiday in 3 weeks to visit my daughter in Thailand and work with the childrens' hostel. But my life has been on the fast lane for the last 2 years, my time for a break has come. You should take yours too.