Thursday, March 01, 2007

Nabei lah, I am suffering from the mother of energy crashes. I have been relegated to a state where my mind feels woozy, my eyes bleary and in need for sleep and even more sleep. Just weeks ago, I was happily zipping about on 4 hours of daily fuel, maximising my productivity and getting a lot of things done. I blame it on the impending PMS. The 2 week countdown has just started.

So, I did my best for my piano exam. The 'auto-pilot' in me didn't work man. "Fuck!" I thought to myself when I froze halfway while playing the first piece. I had to ask the examiner to let me start over and he was nice enough to allow me to do so.

Ah well, it is over and done with and the results will be out a month later. I am not too concerned about the results to be honest, I just know I did my best with the little preparation that I had. I need a bigass miracle though hehe!

Liberation is what I really felt. I went ahead and did it and that is the first step. It is hard to describe the performance anxiety that seizes me when I need to do my best but I get better at dealing with it everytime.

I have had too much excitement in my life lately. Enough. Time to take a chill pill and spend some quality time with myself to recharge.

I have to end here now, my exhaustion and fever is really getting to me. But not without sharing this quote I got off an email my friend sent me:

"The happiest people in the world are not those who have no problems, but
those who learn to live with things that are less than perfect."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hehe so did u pass???
pms i'm heaving mine..*crarvin for sweet food*