Tuesday, April 10, 2007

One of the things that bring meaning into my life is the difference others have made in mine. It is all about the ties that bind, that strange affinity and the meeting of destinies that inexplicably become intertwined.

It is all about making that difference that touch the lives of others. No matter how big or small, we all have some sort of role to play. Sometimes, unknowingly, you might just be that beacon of light that shines ever so brightly in the darkness of someone else's life.

I value all the ties that I have forged over time, those that are real and those that hold true. They are blessings a thousand-fold. Even more meaningful is my relationship with God, I have never been more glad His guidance in my life. I will leave it all up to Him and I will have absolute trust in His wisdom once more.

I am off again to London, I will be back soon enough.

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