Tuesday, April 22, 2008

It is now down to the final crunch and the moment of truth is just less than a week away. I have never studied so much in my life but now I am forced to work that mental muscle to its brink. So much so that I have been plagued by tension headaches and dizzy spells.

The good news is, it is all starting to come together and the picture becomes clearer. But the bad news is, I don't really know how much I don't know and I don't exactly have a very good memory.

Gotta learn to like all the subjects, even though they are a pain in the ass.

The silver lining to this towering CB (cumulonimbus) cloud however, is the support of the love of my life. I do not know what I will do without him. I will miss him so much when he leaves for Perth. I am working really hard so that I can join him there very soon.

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