Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Nice surprises for the day:)

Oooh... this is cool shit man... a ranting spot that's all mine... a place to air my grievances and my form of therapy for dealing with the frustrations of everyday life:) Feel better even as I am typing away but then again, I'm in a very good mood today. This is my first entry on my very first blog... not new to the idea of blogging but I was too lazy to start one until my dear friend Judy suggested that I start one to update each other on our lives.:)

Anyhoo, I had a good day even though I was very sleepy... I woke up really early to go for piano lessons this morning, then I had to go run some errands for myself... Came back and went online and logged onto Friendster coz I had an e-mail alert to new msgs. I had a new msg from my classmate back in primary school!! Have not seen her like in almost a decade and she has become such a babe... even though she's already pretty back in primary school... but she looked so different I couldn't even recognize her. We're gonna catch up soon... probably sometime next week if my schedule permits... Can't wait!:)

Through her link, I found a few of my other classmates from primary school and GOD, time really changes a person... it's so damn interesting... It's like you have a certain memory of people and then a few years later... WHAM!!! You get a totally different person and it's like having to get to know them all over again... how weird is that? Weird but cool haha:) It's a nice surprise though... hope all of us can continue to keep in touch...!

And to add on to my good mood... I received an e-mail from my company saying I got a compliment letter from a passenger on 21/06/04, 2 days after my b-day and during my first month of flying!!:) I was praised for excellent service and resourcefulness:) *floats* Notice how the best surprises come when it's unexpected? One of life's mysteries perhaps.... more on that topic later on.... Gonna meet my darling tonight and prepare for tmr's flight to Melbourne... :(

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