Sunday, October 24, 2004

Sunday Blues

It sucks having to work on a Sunday.... got activated for a Penang turnaround... dunno who's the idiot who reported sick grrrr.... Still having a slight hangover from last night's partying:( Don't feel too good at all... nosiree. New roster's out and it just gets worse everytime! I only have like 4 rostered flights for next month and 11 days' stretch of standby??? Hello? My roster was like that in October too.... must be the sudden influx of new crew... dunno why the hell they need so many crew... oh well...

Miraculously, my doggies didn't wake me up from their barking today:) They do that without fail when if I'm home during the weekends heh:) I must have been really gone or really tired or they just decided to be good today:) Love them both to bits!! Gotta get ready for work now... On a brighter note, at least I won't be getting the much-dreaded Monday blues!!! ;p I'll leave you with a picture of them...Ciao!

Sweet fluffy ones:)

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