Friday, September 30, 2005

Who is Jessica Rabbit? One of the crew said I reminded them of her. I have no clue.

The recent flight to Auckland was unexpectedly, one of the more memorable ones. Good flight and best of all, great company. We bonded even after we had stepped out of the aircraft. It makes all the difference really.

In all honesty, that is the best part about being flying.

Also, I had one of the best runs I ever had in my life. I actually ran running outside of the hotel with the inflight supervisor and one of the leading stewards. We ran all over the place, running into parks, mini-trails and even up slopes, exploring new routes and all.

The crisp, cool air was invigorating and fresh. It was just lovely. If I had the chance, I'd want to do it all over again but only when I have company. It is not safe for a girl to go running outside alone.

I smoked a fucking hell lot on this trip a well. I hope I don't get addicted. At the moment, I'm still comfortably, a social-smoker.

Flying off to Bombay tomorrow and 2 days off the day after. Just sweet, lets hope this flight is as good:)


-*D!siLLus!on3d*- said...
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-*D!siLLus!on3d*- said...

Babe, didn't u watch Who killed Roger Rabbit?

Jessica Rabbit is the damn Phew weet Babelicious Toon in the strapless pink dress... ^-^V She's hot stuff man.. Hehehe.. So it's a compliment.. *winkz*

I'm gaining my freedom after next week.. And i'm gonna club my legs off man! Join me? *Grinz*

Btw, U and Ailin look gorgeous!

Take care my dear *Hugz*

Anonymous said...

Jessica Rabbit:

Vanessa said...

Jeannie: Hey babe!!! Nope I didn't watch that movie heh:) I can't wait for you to be free, we'd dance all night long:) Looking forward to that;p See ya soon... *hugz*

Thomas: Oh my god... I look nothing like that... haha:)