Thursday, April 20, 2006

I received a text message last night. The words wrenched my heart and the fleeting pain that I felt was quite raw. Now, I am confused despite myself.

I am suddenly shaken. My friend says she does not understand how I can give up something everyone wants. The words haunt me somehow...

I was able to detach myself emotionally again today on another seperate issue. I remain a mystery to some people because I don't always reveal my true emotions.

What am I to do now? I really, really wonder.


-*D!siLLus!on3d*- said...

Babe, are you ok??

I'm sorry i haven been keeping in touch. Particularly since i have quit my job. We have to catch up soon alrite. Week after next? I'll sms you to see if you're free then.

Do what you think is right. I think that is usually what is best. I love you babe *Hugz*

Anonymous said...

Sometimes, it's good to pause and throw out all the emotional baggage we carry. Go on a trip or something. That normally cheers me up.