Saturday, July 11, 2009

Tonight I had an awesome flight...

Flashback to the last day of June, the day I finally got my progress check done and miraculously passed, with a good standard. In all honesty, I was actually less confident than I let on and in hindsight, felt that I could have done better. The fear was almost paralyzing but I held on with everything I had. The prayers soothed my frazzled nerves and I managed to keep within the tolerances. My procedures could have been more methodical but the saving grace was that I did well in the more crucial segments of the check.

What seemed like the worst case scenario for me initially turned out to be a blessing in disguise. I was dismayed but I trusted God and He delivered.

Then, I had to do 5 more sorties to prepare me for the final test. I was quite happy with how the 3 day sorties went as there was a significant improvement. The night circuits however, left much to be desired. There was not much drama on the first one but I screwed up the second one so badly that I seriously started to doubt my abilities. It was the worst sortie in my entire Baron phase and I was quite shaken. However, my instructor decided to take the leap of faith and let me sign up for the final test based on what he knows I am capable of and hope for the best. He is a good man.

Faith is indeed powerful. Today I got a call to do the night test, together with my coursemate. It was the perfect arrangement and everything was in my favour. I was not expecting to do it this soon and I was in a state of nervous excitement. Again, I commited it to God and when it was my turn to take control, I was dead calm.

It was like I was a different person and I surprised myself tonight. It was the best night circuit I have ever done to date and by a long shot. Now that the night portion is out of the way, I have to focus all my energy on the day portion of the test which will be scheduled very soon. It is the most important one of all and when I pass, it is time to go home.

The light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter and faith will see me through.


jondog said...

good luck van....i know u know i never come to ur chim chim blog because there's just sooo many words to read.....but...

god bless, stay cool and you'll do've always done so in the past.....


Haze said...

Dearie, all the best and God be with you. Found a super nice dessert place and can't wait to have tea with you over there :)