Never lie, steal, cheat, or drink. But if you must lie, lie in the
arms of the one you love. If you must steal, steal away from bad
company. If you must cheat, cheat death. And if you must drink, drink
in the moments that take your breath away.
Now, isn't that just meaningful?:)
Was really tickled by Nicky this morning... he had diarrhoea this morning. (Someone has been overfeeding him junk again...) Everywhere he sat, he left a patch of smeared shit on the floor. EWwwwWWw!!! Damn bloody gross! Guess who had to clean it up? Yours truly.
My mom gave me the unenviable task of hosing his ass with water. WAH LAU EH...:( Nicky knows he stinks, and he was running all over the place when I wanted to clean him up.
The moment my mom left the house. I looked at him in the eye and sternly told him, "Nicky. Wash backside. NOW."
He obediently walked into the shower cubicle on his own and waited for me. WAHAHAHHAHA! He secretly likes having his ass washed, was enjoying every second of it. Sheeesh... He hates to bathe though.
Miko was jealously waiting for him outside the toilet. She pounced on him and snarled the moment he stepped out and started howling like some mini she-wolf.
I don't get it man... Is that something to be jealous about? I guess my dog is weirder than I am.
Haha! Off to a martial arts class now. Hope I don't come back with a black eye.
This is the most hilarious blog entry I've ever read by anybody. :) Who doesn't love an ass-washing?
My dog has been having bathroom problems too, although his is urinary. He's getting old and recently has had a lot of accidents on the carpet. Poor dog :(.
Dogs are just great animals don't you think? Pretty sad i am ending my stink.. (i mean stint) with them soon.
ah the quote looks familar *winks*
see u real soon sa. hurry fly here to LHR!! :)
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