Sunday, December 16, 2007

The weekend that I was so looking forward to is fast coming to an end. By comparison, its monotony is a stark contrast to the very eventful week that I have had.

Having set foot on a territory that is totally unfamiliar to me, I have been experiencing a myriad of different feelings. The unease did not last for long and as the week wore on, I grew more accustomed to the changes in my environment.

I am actually starting to like it.

Except for the chickens outside my house that torment my sleep every night with their incessant crowing, at the oddest hours. Nabei, they are the reason I am starting to supplement my semi-vegetarian diet with chicken again. I need the protein and it the the source that is most easily available now.

With a ritual of my own that I have since established, it is with God's blessings that I am here now. He has led me, around every obstacle, the calm inner voice that has unfailingly guided me. I know I must give it my best now, in the glory of His name and leave it all in His hands.

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