Sunday, May 17, 2009

Have not found the time to blog lately... training has been rather intense and there is still lots to read up on. The internet connection is another factor as I am unable to connect to the network most of the time. I suppose that is a good thing though, one less distraction out of the way.

Today is one of the rare days that I have time to mull over my thoughts, something I have not done lately. I had a lot of things on my mind over the past few days but they were fleeting and I did not get a chance to reflect on them. I have lost them now, but I am sure that they will come back to me if it requires my attention. Sometimes, it is better not to think too much.

The situation has changed now that I am in the nav phase for the Baron. It is harder to get my sorties done as there is just not enough slots for everyone. I have already been bumped off a couple of times, something which I am obviously not too happy about. It is not necessarily fair but I accept it because I understand the situation. Besides, my progress has been decent up til now and I am lucky to have a very dedicated instructor. I have to count my blessings, if not I will just be one unhappy soul. Oh well.

I have been in a rather bitchy mood lately, something which I am not proud of and I blame it on PMS heh. I usually keep it in, so what I feel inside is not reflected outside. However, I find that I am much less tolerant when it comes to certain characters. I just don't feel the love and have basically signed them off. Not that I am nasty or anything, I just don't give a shit, that's all. Perhaps, it is a poor mentality to have but hey, I never said I was an angel. Besides if I get annoyed one time too many, the mean edge in me surfaces.

Having said that, no matter how mean and intolerant I may sound sometimes, my comments are just as far as it gets. Simply put, I am civil and I will still be fair, I will just not go out of my way to be nice.

Moving on, my lifestyle is catching up with me. It sounds strange, considering I am in Perth, but I have to slow down and spend more time with myself. While I really enjoy the company of others, I miss my 'me-alone' time. I think I should get the balance back, it will do me a lot of good.

It is a lovely Sunday and I am off to enjoy the rest of the day!

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