Friday, November 19, 2004

Just another day

Woke up with a swollen eye this morning... seems like I'm subconsciously rubbing my eyes really hard while I'm sleeping... been happening a lot these days... wonder what's up with that?

Anyhoo, I did some light workout before going for a run... short distance though coz it was freaking hot and the sun was totally sapping up my energy. Came back and cooked lunch for myself. Man... I'm really learning to be domesticated, I hope to cook for my darling one day hehehehe;p Got ready to go to the driving centre to enrol as a private candidate. I don't know why but I always feel uncomfortable when I step into that place.:( I had to take those instant passport photos to submit with my application. Then when I was taking the picture, this driving instructor who happened to be passing by stood there to see me take the pic. Sheesh... I was so uncomfortable the pic turned out badly... my smile was like crooked... tmd. With the enrolment finally done, I went to meet my gal friends.

I met Judy and Julie at City Hall MRT:) I was so happy to see them as usual:) My baby came along to pick the 3 of us up and we ventured to Julie's house to have dinner and watch Singapore Idol together:) I ate non-stop which is bad news:( Overall, it was an evening well-spent with my favourite people with me. Sometimes the simplest things in life can bring such happiness:) I don't feel so angry anymore... hehe:) Til then...


alhnom said...
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