Saturday, November 27, 2004

Oh my god... I got a msg from my gal friend this morning... saying she's at the ROMM at that very moment, registering for her marriage! I'm so, so happy for her and I believe that the guy she is marrying is a good person. They are just perfect for each other! Their wedding won't be until March next year but I'll be applying for leave, wouldn't miss it for the world! Not if I can help it:) So many of my friends are getting married, one after another. I'll be attending another gal friend's wedding on the 12th of December.:) Cool, can't wait:) It's the perfect opportunity to see my whole bunch of friends again:)

I've just come to realize that most of my gal friends are happily attached for at least 2 years or so. Maybe we influence one another, to commit ourselves to one person, but nothing beats the feeling of loving and being loved in return.:)

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