Monday, November 15, 2004

Something to smile about...

Been feeling really crap again these days... that dreaded time of the month, PMS. Somebody just shoot me please. *sigh* However, I'm gonna do myself a favour and pull myself together and live my life with a new zest. I'm gonna get rid of all the vices in my life, It's all about total well-being. Maybe I'm gonna take up Yoga or Pilates or something... more on that later on.

Today, I woke up feeling really irritated again... Dogs kept barking. Something made me smile though. My smaller dog, Miko was a real nuisance this morning. She's the alpha female, always bossing my other dog, Nicky around even though he came first. I feel for him man... He's always so sweet and kind and gentle with her. Extremely intelligent. He understands our conversations and he looks like he's thinking most of the time. Quite unsettling since he has very 'human' eyes.

Anywayz, my mom rolled up a newspaper and pretended she wanted to whack Miko. My mom will never hit them, she just does that and whack the table just to shut my dogs up. Nicky was lying down and Miko was running all over the place, barking. He actually got up and used his body to try and shield her. Awwwwwww.... really touched my heart somehow... He's the best dog I've ever had... He's still young and healthy but I know he won't live forever... Suddenly, I feel this tugging at my heart... :(

The other love of my life, Nicky:)

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