Sunday, August 13, 2006


Commitment is something that everyone retreats from but always respects when recognized in others.

It is feared, as it implies a need to do something for someone else.

But it is, in fact, something one does for oneself.

Every commitment you make redefines who you are.

Making a commitment is not about undertaking a new responsibility, as it is about recognizing one that you already have. It is a measure of your own respect for yourself.

It is the basis for trust in a relationship

That paragraph is an excerpt from the book The Sphere of Silence by Vijay Eswaran. The words jumped out at me when I was reading it last night, before turning in.

I pondered over it just before saying my prayers and drifting off to sleep. To others, the paragraph I quoted are nothing more than fancy words, but those words carry a special meaning to me. It serves to reaffirm how I have decided to live my life and fucking seal that promise to myself.

I WILL BE commited.

I will be commited to God. I will have faith and I will do what he says or what I feel is right without question. I will believe in him and myself even if other people question my decisions.

I will be commited to my family (including the dog;p), and a few people that I keep close to my heart. It is a silent promise to them that I will be there whenever I'm needed, and even when I am not. I shall not take anybody for granted.

I am commited to someone, whether he fucking likes it or not. Heh.

I am commited to living my life, the best way I know how. A promise to myself to be a better person, step out of my comfort zone, push myself to the limits and change things for the better. I will become that person that I will respect, and believe me when I say I am not easy to impress.

And the mother of all commitment... to my goal, my passion, my dreams. I can see it at a distance now and I will work hard to make the journey there. I will have faith and I will focus my restless mind. I know I am put in this world for something better than what I am doing now. It is time to tap into that golden well of unused potential and challenge myself and see what I am really made of. It is a fucking promise to myself, and I intend to keep it.

It is a tall order but I firmly believe one should not set low standards so that they can easily acheive it. Please give the the strength to see myself through and go with the flow of things.

And I leave you with a final wham bam quote to deliberate over:

For those without direction, defeat is being lost in a desert of depression.

For those without determination, defeat is a damnation to a despondent dead end.

However, for those with dedication, driven by determination and with direction, defeat is merely a DETOUR.


Alrightie now, gotta drag my ass down for combat class with my darling babe Nicole. Yay!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice post! May you persevere and attain everything that you want.

Especially that special "goal" of yours *wink*. Not refering to the guy la.. hahaha.. the other one!