Monday, November 09, 2009

There is nothing much for me to write about. My life is great at the moment and I am perfectly happy with the way things are, so I will just leave it at that. What I have come to realize is that the human nature is as such, it is easy for most people to share a person's sorrow, but not when it comes to sharing one's joy.

Whenever I get asked the question, "So how's the love life?" and I give a positive answer, the feigned happiness does not escape me at all. In fact, is so easy to identify the ones who are guilty of it. It is like when I have having some issues that I am not too happy about, I suddenly have many 'best friends'. When things are all good, the same 'best friends' disappear in a cloud of superficiality.

To a certain extent, I am very private about my personal life, choosing only to share the details with those who are genuine. As for me when I choose to ask, it is out of concern and if I don't, it just means I don't really care. If it has been broadcasted frequently on Facebook, Twitter or any other form of social media, then I also do not need to ask the obvious.

Okay, I am feeling extremely sleepy now, time for bed.


Your avid reader said...

Well at least now you know who your true friends are right?

Vanessa said...

Haha! Actually, I have always known... Just that I got irritated and wanted to bitch so I wrote about it.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I once chanced upon your blog and have grew to love reading your blog. In this post, I feel that I have the similar character as u as what u hv written on this post. I only source for sincere and altimately a true genuine friend.

Btw, do u know thr' reading your blog, I have learnt a lot from u esp your good command of English. You hv taught me how to use good English structure as well as vocab. A big Thank U to u.

Can u give me some tip on how u could write so well? do u read, listen and speak english frequently? From the way u write, u sound to me u were once a Lit student ya. And at the same time,are u a bilingual(English and Mandarin)? If you are, it will be a bonus to u.:)

Vanessa said...

Hi Anon,

I am glad you can relate to my post! True friends are rare indeed and sometimes I do get frustrated when I have to talk to people who are not sincere... Then again, whether we like it or not, such people will always exist.

You are most welcome!:) Yes, I speak English nearly all the time and I read a lot, after awhile, writing becomes second nature to me. Also, if I want to use an alternate word, I will look up a thesaurus hehe:) Yep, I once did Literature in secondary school and it was one of my stronger subjects. Good to know my posts helped you have a better command of the language:)

Unfortunately, my Mandarin is quite weak, so I guess it is a trade off huh?

Anonymous said...

Hi, no wonder you could write so well. You wrote that you have a dream job? What would your dream job be? My pure guess would be a reporter in news centre...

Perhaps you would like to consider to be a freelance writer for TODAY paper, THE STRAITS TIMES or TNP. Guess you will attract many readers.

By the way, do you have any regime for me so that I could write like you one day? Smile*

There are many writers out there. But no all writing style fancy me. Some write with boring structure...But some could write nice structure which will touch peoples' heart just like you.

Your reader,

Anonymous said...


Yes, true friends are really rare. But I always believe just a handful of true friends will be good enough. We do not need to have many many friends to make our day. Anyway, We are born not to pleased everyone in this world.:) And sometimes we have to "put on a mask"(which I do not like) when we are talking or interacting with people we detest.

This is life...Sigh..We have to accept it that these people still exist.
As the verse goes....'Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD. - Leviticus 19:18

Blog reader

Vanessa said...

Hi Joelle,

Writing is just a way for me to express myself but I do not think I can do it for a living. My writing style is quite different from what is published in the papers. My dream job has something to do with the gold wing... =)

I do not have a regime which I stick to, it comes quite naturally. I just write whatever thoughts I have and make it very abstract and play around with words and sentence structure. I am also quite particular about grammer and the flow of my entries.


Yep, I do not believe in having enemies but I there will be people I will have less to do with. I try not to bear grudges if I can help it but we are all human and it is easier said than done.

Anonymous said...

Yes... I was about to tell you that your writings are very abstract. Not everyone can master this skill. I really hope one day I will be like you who knows how to write abstract stuff and confuse readers. *Smile