Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Staying awake for 36 hours fucks up the subconscious mind. Disturbing is the only word I can use to describe the disconcerting dream I had in the wee hours this morning.

I was a new high school student in another country. There was a major basketball game in the school premises and an event of another sort held concurrently in a seperate part of the school.

At first glance, it seemed to be an ordinary rally with students and teachers milling about. I stayed on as a quiet spectator and watched them move huge gift boxes about. I remembered that there were addresses stamped on them and the boxes were blue. Then a group of Asian guys appeared with 2 bundles wrapped in white sheets.

That scene was the most vivid part of my dream. It suddenly dawned upon me that the students were carrying 2 female forms. I could see the faces of the two girls who looked vaguely familiar. Faces that were strangely expressionless and doll-like, with heavily mascaraed lashes framing wide-open eyes that were staring blankly at nothing.

The scene unfolding before me was beginning to resemble some ominous ritual. Before I could even comprehend the situation, the guys lifted the 2 bundles and smashed them hard over the hall railings and watched the bodies fall and hit the ground with a sickening thud.

I could hear the crack of shattered bones. There was deadly silence, not even a scream. I prayed hard that the 2 forms are mannequins and not human bodies.

One of the teachers, a heavyset woman with greying hair, strolls over. She was playing with a huge carving knife in her hands. She calmly started hacking at the 2 fallen forms.

I saw blood and bone spattering everywhere as her hacking got more frenzied. I could not move from where I was. Then all the people present start laughing. It was the sick, twisted, maniacal sort of laughter that will continue ringing in your ears and reside in your memories. I could not get it out of my head.

They all gathered around whatever was left of the 2 girls and tossed the pieces into the gift boxes. Laughing and laughing as if they were possessed by demons.

Then the teacher with the carving knife looked towards my direction and saw me standing there. I bolted up the stairs, struggling to get away, as they came after me in droves. I seemed to get slower as they gained on me.

Then I woke up.

I wanted to throw up and my heart felt like a leaden weight. Fucking hell. I hate this, I really fucking hate it, because I remember all the nightmares I had when I was younger. Even though they don't affect me anymore, it is bloody freaky and disturbing.

Please let me sleep well tonight. *sigh*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mr. L has the absolute cure for the terrible nightmare you hav just experienced. A bolster, blanket + maybe your handphone, are probably your best allies right now. But do keep your thumb away from the digit "9" as the police(999) aint gonna be much of a help for nightmares. Well, Mr.L is just a phone call away. hehe.....Juz kiddin'

Perhaps relaxing the body & mind and casting out most thots in mind, do help alittle. Rem to let your happy thots stay inside you & you will be waking up from a nice long deep sleep. Speaking of's bedtime for Mr.L