Thursday, June 22, 2006

The ugly side of human nature

Stoned. That was the perfect example of the state of my mind yesterday. I was so fucking tired that that my mind went blank after flight and I left my bag outside the boarding gate after disembarking. I even walked a long way before I realized I was not carrying my bag. I rushed all the way back. Oh and lucky me, the aircraft just HAD to be parked at the very last, most secluded gate lah.

Nabei, I walked for what seemed like eternity before I finally got to the fucking gate. I was so relieved to see a policeman standing there. I retrieved my bag without much hooha. I must say that I was damn freaking lucky.

To my surprise, I saw the crew-in-charge walking towards me as I made my way back. He had come all the way back for me when he heard what had happened. He was concerned about me and was very nice about it. Even though he taught my class when I was training, it was the first time I flew with him. I was very touched by that gesture.

Let us talk about people. I work with different sets of people most of the time and I get to interact first-hand with all kinds of passengers on board. Contrary to what people hear about the job, it really is not that bad. I mean for someone like me, who gets bored easily, has an ego and hot temper, I actually like my job very much. I like most of the people I work with and it has brought out the finest qualities in me. Even though we see each other for the first time, we all operate as a team and I believe, will genuinely care and look out for one another.

So I don't understand something I heard from my mother last night, when I came home from my Hong Kong turnaround.

The company my auntie works in, sponsored a trip to Europe for all its employess. It was supposed to be a fun trip to look forward to, but turned out to be a miserable one for her. True colours galore, HAH.

Everyone was snappy and irritable towards each other. The employees had to participate in some games. My aunt was running when she felt faint and collasped. She lay on the field with the searing sun beating on her face and feeling like she was going to die. The hotel called for a medic, who arrived and attended to her.

And what were the rest of her colleagues doing? Here's the shocker, they continued on with their games as if nothing has happened. No one stayed by her side to make sure she was ok. No one asked if she was alright, basically, no one cared.

"No one? You mean there were so many of them and no one stayed by her side" I asked my mom.

"No one," my mommy confirmed.

You can imagine I had a lot to say, went into a passionate tirade. Fucking hell, what in the world...? These are the fucking faces you see at work everyday and you mean, no one can find it within themselves to show some concern? Getting a heat stroke is no laughing matter. The medic was very kind to my aunt, he administered some treatment and walked her back to the hotel.

Well, at least there was a good soul, and it came from a stranger.

I just cannot understand it, kindness is something very basic that people should have in them, in varying amounts. But this was just.... cold. Probably there is more to it, some parts of the story I did not hear about, I don't know... All I know is, I can never live with myself if I ever become like one of those people. Deviod of emotion towards another person.

The true nature of some rears its ugly head again. I would just like to share a scenario before I go.

There was a girl (bespectacled and plain) and she looks 16, travelling with her parents. Let's call her Liz.

Liz: "I want Sprite and a little red wine."

Me: "Can I just ask your age?"

*We are not supposed to serve alcohol to people below 18 years of age. Hey, just doing my job man.

Liz: "Zherkkkk! I am 19!!!" (glares at me and gave me a black face)

Me: "Okie." (serves the wine, having evil thoughts;p)

Nabei CB lah. Ungracious. Rude to the crew and even worse, rude to her parents in front of people she doesn't know. Tsk tsk... which man would want a lizard for a girlfriend?



Anonymous said...

I've seen plenty of such stuff and sometimes they just makes u wonder how we can detiorate to such a level. I particularly find asians especially the older generation behaving in that manner. Fortunately, there are some people out there that make us feel hey... there is still something good in us humans.
And the girl on the plane is such a spoilt brat. I really hate brats.. especially rude ones.

PalliativeDrug said...

wat the fark?! I was like (O_O) at the story of your auntie!!! I was wondering how she can go back to work with them?!?! She will definately see them in a different light.

And pls explain... wat is ZHEERRKK??

Vanessa said...

Paul: Yes I seriously wonder, I hope I will not be like that in future. Fuck man.

Yes I really hate rude people, especially people who have no respect for others.

Jeanie: Yeah man! Imagine having to see those same fuck faces everyday. I think I'll just die man.

I guess the best thing about my job is that you don't have to see the same faces everyday. Even if you happen to meet a fucker or two, you may not have to see them again for ages.

Zherrrk is the noise u make when you are damn irritated. I dunno how to spell it. You know the noise a lizard makes? Yeah she sounded like that but she dragged that sound.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear that your aunt is ok. I think she must get an awful feeling the next time she goes into work :(

For the record, I wouldn't want a lizard for a girlfriend. Eating bugs is gross.

PalliativeDrug said...

Vanessa... someday, you have to make that lizard noise for me... becuz for the life of me, I can't manage to pronounce it... ahahhahaa! And trust me, I actually Zheerrrkkk'ed a number of times before I gave up.

Anonymous said...

Wahaha !!
Babe , I always spell that sound as 'Tsk !' lah .
When I read , I was oso wondering wat that zherrrk is .
:D ,