Friday, September 29, 2006

Sigh, I finally succumbed to the virus that has been going around... It was one angst-ridden night yesterday. I tossed and turned and finally tossed myself out of bed. My ears, nose and throat were itching all at the same time and my sleep was interrupted all night long.

I did not need to wake up so early so you can imagine what sort of mood I was in when I woke up at 7am this morning. Yep, bad, very bad... Dust and pollen are triggers for me. So much for not falling sick for more than a year... Bah.

So, I went to see a doctor this afternoon to get some medicine before my condition gets worse. I had mean thoughts of shoving people aside when they got in my way but I think I am feeling too weak and faint to be able to do that.

Damn, I feel so unproductive, it takes a superhuman effort to get things done today. Now, all I want to do now is lie down. Sigh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wish you get well soon
