Sunday, January 07, 2007

Miko and Nicky

Sometimes, when a certain realization hits you, it really humbles you. There are lessons to be learnt in everyday life and it can come in the least expected ways, if you what to to look out for.

I felt this sudden, suffocating wave of pain when it dawned upon me how close I was to losing one of my dogs. It is so true that you only learn to appreciate something or someone when they are gone. But thank God, I had a second chance.

I am not sure how long Miko suffered because she seemed perfectly alright to us. It was not until she started peeing blood all over the house 2 weeks ago that the alarm bells sounded. My mom brought her to the vet because I had to work. The vet did an x-ray and discovered that she had several stones in her bladder.

Again, I could not be there when she was operated on because I had to be away for work. When I came back from Christchurch, her familiar, furry white was the first that greeted me at the door. She touched my heart more than usual and it was absolutely heartwarming to be home.

Fuck man, I had a rude shock when my mom showed me the stones. They were like white pebbles. I simply cannot imagine the pain that she must have endured, but she took it very well. She could not wait to come home after the operation and she was running about like she used to. I cannot believe that she had just gone through a major operation.

Such a hardy little dog... and all she wants is lots of love, which I will give more of from now on. I am ashamed of myself because I took her for granted and I was not really concerned because I knew my mom would take care of her. I realized how selfish I can be when I was more concerned about revelling in my moodiness, than to really care.

I allowed myself to slide back into negativity and wallowed in it for just a tad too long. But bloody hell, I will not slip up and let it happen again. My dog's ordeal taught me how precious life is and reminded me never to take anything for granted.

It is not over because she has been throwing up and eating very little but she seems fine for now. I pray she will be well, with all my heart and I have absolute faith she will be.

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