Friday, September 21, 2007

Life is one big unfinished picture, til the day we take our last dying breath and say goodbye to the world. Someone described very aptly, our life as 'works in progress'. It struck me how true that is. No matter how long we have lived, how many different experiences we may have had or how much we think we know, we are never really complete.

There are so many questions resonating from the core of my soul, which I have yet to find the answers to. Even when I think I have, the answers do not keep me satisfied for very long. Then I would seek again and try to make sense of all that is going on around me.

But then again, if I knew everything, I would be God. So it is just best to leave it in His hands and trust in His Wisdom.

I do not need to know everything. Perhaps, the less I know, the better it is.

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