Sunday, September 16, 2007

What a great way to spend the weekend. I caught Swan Lake on Ice with my cousin yesterday and I absolutely loved it. Following which, we attended the healing service at Lighthouse Evangelism with both our mothers. Then, I caught Ratatouille with a friend thereafter. I adored that movie and its underlying theme. The tale is simple, sweet and yet carries a powerful message. Anyone can do anything if they dare to dream and not limit themselves to what society dictates.

I like that.

I attended church again this morning with Judy, her beau and her friend. After which, I went for fitting for the dress I am to wear for Judy's big day. She asked me to be her bridesmaid and I am deeply honoured to be a part of it. I cannot wait and I am so excited for her!:) Another one of my dear gal friends is getting married next month and I am very extremely happy for her as well, though it came as a surprise. It is lovely to see them bask in the glow of the upcoming wedding bliss and their happiness radiating from their faces. And as for me, I have something else to be happy about.


I am off to Amsterdam tonight, be back soon.

1 comment:

marvin tan said...

and may i ask when is the wedding? cos i am attending a wedding too, wonder if its the same one, haha!