Thursday, June 19, 2008

Turning a quarter century old today does not make me feel any different. if anything, I do feel, behave and look younger these days. (I hope lah heh:p) That jaded feeling that has been gnawing at me over the years has left me some time back and now I embrace life with a new found zest and purpose. Maybe it has to do with the attitude that I have adopted circumstances that are beyond my control. That is, to leave it all up to the Lord and his wisdom.

The year that I was 24 has been a great one for me, I have much to be thankful for. I got to finally have a shot at my dreams and I met my dream guy. I have never been more contented and happier than this. Now that I am 25, I pray that my focus will not waver at any point and that I will have spiritual restfulness with God as I continue on with the next chapter in my life.

Anyhoo, I went over to Nicole's place today to run with her and her dogs, Odi and Cherry. The fatigue in my muscles ebbed away as I pounded on the pavement with the two dogs running beside us. The doggies really motivated us to run and even stopped to wait while we catch up with them. Jack Russells are running machines man and they did not even stray, just ran beside us faithfully. We covered quite a distance and Odi even kept up with me when I sprinted towards the end. Lucky Nicole, so jealous now hmph! Nicky and Miko can barely run 100m before they kapoot, too much fur on their bodies and also very fat heh heh.
Though I love them both very much, the next dog I own will be a running machine. It is so much nicer to have company when I run. My babe was so sweet, she cooked me a healthy lunch of brown rice porridge, quinoa, meat and broccoli. Just the sort of food I like, I am very much into healthy food. But I ate quite a bit of chocolate when I came back heh, there goes my plan to lose weight.

I would very much love to spend my birthday with Viv but he is all the way in Perth. For now, I have to be content with hearing his voice over the phone a few times a day. Going to have dinner with my family now, I love simple and quiet birthday celebrations such as these.


Thomas said...

Happy Birthday Vanessa!

Nicole P said...

babe, u ought to put up a photo of my two dogs for yr poot poot to see!