Thursday, December 24, 2009

Life is strange like that... the less I have, the more I want to give. But since I do not have a big budget to bust now, I give in more meaningful, thoughtful ways. There were many things I wanted, but now, what I really want cannot be bought from a store. The material world beckons sometimes, but these days, I am hardly seduced by something that will only bring me temporary happiness

My darling asked me to choose my Christmas present yesterday and we wandered into a few choice boutiques to have a look-see. I would walk out empty-handed each time, which finally led him to declare that it was hard to buy anything for me. After all, it is not everyday that a girl will say no to a little trinket from Tiffany & Co. The intention was sweet of course, but I just do not think it is worth spending that kind of money on something that does not really appeal to me.

Besides, I am very specific about the things I like and want. Don't get me wrong, when someone gives me a present, I definitely appreciate the thoughtful gesture. However, it is just that when I get to choose, the process becomes quite complicated. That, my other half can attest to. Heh.

I usually get the things which catch my eye and hold my interest, but considering how fugly and tacky most of the clothes, bags and shoes are these days, it is better to pass. Furthermore, I still love the things that I own now as they have served me very well. Having said that, I think I pretty much have all that I want and need for now.

What I really want is something money cannot buy. I want the means to provide well for my family, give back whatever I took and more. I want my dreams to become a reality and I want to walk the journey of life with the one I love and respect, by my side. Above all, I want to lead a fulfilling life with God in the centre of it all.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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