Sunday, March 06, 2005

Bye bye poker straight hair, hello, lovely curls... I did it... I finally went and did it... to curl my hair that is. After contemplating for over a year! I've had the same old hairstyle for as long as I can remember... I've lost my guts to go for a change since the disastrous haircut I had when I was 14. The furthest I went is cutting my hair to collar-length back in poly and various dye jobs. Anyhoo, I sat my ass for like 4 hours in the salon this afternoon. I decided to do it and made an appointment with Kimage the moment I woke up hehe;p If I want to do or have something, I must have it done right away.

As usual, I couldn't sit still, kept fidgeting sheesh... I really have the itchiest backside in the west heheheh;p I was not too happy with one of the shampoo gals. Her heart was not in her work, I could tell. It's kinda off putting isn't it? The attitude's just not right. She wasn't rude to me or anything lah, I just didn't like her attitude. And what's up with the patches of purple and red hair. I just don't get it. Oh well, at least she didn't fuck up my hair.

End result? I wasn't very sure if I liked it at first... it took a lil getting used to. My baby likes it though, he said it was very nice hehe:) He kept looking at me and he said it's like having a new g/f haha:) It's not THAT drastic a change, it's just a new look... But hey, if he likes it then it's all good:) I decided I liked it after awhile, I just hope I am able to get it to look nice on my own.

I'll post a pic when I have the chance. Oooh, caught the movie, HITCH today. Just another feel-good romantic comedy but I enjoyed it. Will Smith was so suave, can we say smooth operator? He has his moves down pat.;p Respect man, does such a man even exist in real life? I dunno, I tend to be wary of smooth-talking guys, it means they are TOO experienced if you get what I mean. I tend to be more partial towards shy men, like my baby hehe;p

Oh well, going for a nice, long run again later on in the morning. Ta!


alhnom said...

you curled ur hair?!?! show meeee!! bet u look good u no matter wat. muuak.

Anonymous said...

Is your hair as curly as mine??! Hehe ... Julz

Vanessa said...

haha you'll see the curls on Julz's wedding:) Even my mommy said I look better and Julz I think it's curlier than yours at the moment, just that the curls are bigger;p