Friday, June 17, 2005

If I have to eat another buffet again, I'll scream. 'Buffet' is a dirty word to me. It gives you the perfect excuse to binge and binge just to get your money's worth and then you'd feel all bloated and crappy. I had a lunch buffet when I was in Perth, coz everyone was having the buffet. When I came back to Singapore, I had a dinner buffet at Greenhouse at the Ritz Carlton the day I touched down. To make matters worse, I am getting my PMS symptoms early, which means I tend to eat a lot more. Wah lau eh... Nicole once remarked that I 'forever PMS'... Maybe she's right, it's just an excuse for my monthly bitch fits hehe:) Honourable mention, most people have been tolerant with me but someone has been taking the full brunt of my bad behavior. I'm impressed...

Sidetracking a little... I absolutely detest the words 'fleshy' or 'voluptuous'. They are T-A-B-O-O. Don't use them on me if you do not what to piss me off. Someone said to me that if guys think that you are fleshy, it means they are thinking about sex. What the fuck? What the fuck is that all about? I'm sorry but I think that is bullshit. HmmMPH!!!

I am sick with a sore throat and a bad cough at the moment so I can't go running or work out until I get better:( The weird thing is, the more I sleep, the more tired and weaker I become. I've been sleeping rather well these past few days and then I fall sick. When I sleep 5 hours a day, I'm always full of energy and zest. It remains a mystery to me.

Anyway, gotta go now, not gonna blog about Paris, forgotten the events and where I've been too heh. I'll leave some pictures I took. Pardon my poor photography skills though. Click here to view them

I have a lot of plans lined up, up til my birthday:) Small quiet celebrations, just my kinda thing:)


alhnom said...

van babe, the pics are lovely. esp the one of u at the eiffel tower. n i love the new peugeot sports cars! my fave make of cars. ;>

jpt said...

gal thanx so much for ur comment... =)
in case u didnt see my reply to ur comment, here goes:

hahaha yeah gal!!!! thanx for backing me up.... she really is a notorious bitch! initially i had good thoughts abt her WHAT A FOOL I WAS!!!.... anw... i believe what goes around comes around.... may she just DIE~~~~ hahahah ooops.... no need for me to go down to her level right?.... miserable LOWDOWN n CHEAP!.... =)

oh well... haha... i'm ok now... til i think abt the incident or see her OR mention her name again.... GRRRR~ feel like just stepping and trampling on her neck! haha! >=)

Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday Vannie!May all wishes come true! Hope you had a memorable birthday :)

Vanessa said...

Hey Chendol,

Thank you! You're very sweet:)