Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Okay guys, I know my latest obsession with Canon Rock is getting out of hand but, I bring you JerryC! He is the one who originally arranged this piece. Total respect man.

*swoons* OMG! And so totally cute! Slight differences in music between the two guitarists but this one is complete with a rocker's head-banging action. Damn style lah. I like! I like, I like, I like!

If he proposed to me with THAT, I'd marry him at the drop of a hat! Bwaahahahaha!;p Trust my bro to remark, tongue-in-cheek, "If that doesn't get you laid, I don't know what will."


Anonymous said...

sheesh, your bro is farni man...

jerryc... man.... that performance was HOT! :D

alhnom said...

just one word to describe his little stint - orgasimc. he's on a high, no? ;p

Vanessa said...

I am glad both you gals enjoyed it:) As much as I did I hope!

But honestly, the mystery guy whose video I put up in my earlier entry is definately more skilled!

I am still in love!