Wednesday, May 28, 2008

My results were not a surprise to me. I failed the one I knew I would fail, marginally, but I did well for the other seven. The rest of my course, passed 100%! I am especially happy about my navigation results. I have never passed a single test in college, failing miserably most of the time heh. But for the actual exam, I got a distinction.:)

Although I still have one baby monkey clinging onto my back. I am thankful that the subject I failed does not require much studying, just practice. I am so estatic to have passed the rest of the much more challenging modules. It would be a total bitch having to bury my nose in the books again.

Overall, I am really very happy with my results but I am having mixed feelings. While I am so happy and proud of my course, it kinda sucks to be the only one left behind. I will only get to leave in July, because the next exam date is no earlier than 25th June.

I did get emotional when I heard Viv's voice over the phone when I called him. I wanted so very much to be with him but I know that I am not ready to leave Singapore so soon.

Having said that, there are more good reasons than bad, about staying behind. Besides, the time that I am scheduled to leave for Perth is not a good time as it is approaching the thick of winter. I won't be get much flying done so I am not missing much. I would much rather be stuck in Singapore and catch up on the things that needs to be done here, than being grounded over there.

It is all part of God's big plan and things have worked out beautifully. It is also very encouraging to receive a piece of good news, which I shall not reveal at this moment of time. I will just trust in the Lord to do what he thinks is best for me.

Things are looking up and I will make the best of my time here.

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