Saturday, May 03, 2008

Nicky left a nice surprise for my mom this morning. He took a dump on her bedroom floor and went to sleep. The bad smell permeating throughout the room woke my mom up. She got out of bed and stepped right onto his poo.

She yelled bloody murder at him but that guai lan dog simply bochup and continued sleeping. He only got up when I said, "Wash backside." He went to the shower cubicle on his own and I hosed his ass. That he likes because it makes him feel clean.

This is a dog that is aware of God's presence. His ears would perk up whenever we mention Jesus Christ and he likes it when we cover his eye with our hands and pray for his cataract to disappear.

I love my dogs, their antics, while annoying at times, can also be so endearing, that it is impossible to stay angry with them for long.

Just a random entry before I get back to the books again. Gotta rest my tired eyes now.


Unknown said...

Hehe. Your poor mother. I can just imagine the sight. You did'nt tell me about this earlier. :) Haha - One more wash backside story.

Vanessa said...

That's because we were talking about something else:) Nicky's a real classic, he is literally full of shit. Don't get me started on his poo-gobbling tendencies...