Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Yesterday night, I turned into that little girl. There is something about crying that soothes the inner turmoil, like the calm after a storm. It is really something I should learn to do more often.

In these 4 months, I have cried more times then I did the whole of last year and the years before that. Without going too much into the details, the one who caused it was also the one who stayed by my side and comforted me when I did. Quarrels are a necessary evil but it must still be done in a manner that is civilized. As painful as it is sometimes, I am a firm believer that issues need to be addressed and should never be swept under the rug.

I would like to share this daily devotional which I received in my email this morning, just after I wrote my last entry:
Never Alone, Always Cared For

1 Peter 5:7
7casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.

It does not matter how tightly knit our families are or how many close friends we have. When we go through a difficult time or trial, many a time, we still feel all alone and that no one really cares or understands.

Martha knew that feeling. She had on one occasion cried out to Jesus, “Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone?” (Luke 10:40) Jesus’ disciples also knew what it was like to feel small, alone and in trouble. They cried out, “Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing?” when they were swept up in a terrifying storm. (Mark 4:38)

Today, maybe the cry of your heart is also, “Lord, do You not care that I am left all alone… that I am going under… that I am perishing?”

My friend, the Lord does care for you. He loves you so much that He wants you to cast all your cares upon Him — not just some but all your cares. He wants both your big and small cares. There is nothing too small or big for Him. If it is a care in your heart, He wants you to cast it upon Him.

When the apostle Peter wrote “casting all your care upon Him”, he was talking about the continuous act of casting all your cares upon the Lord. As a care comes, God wants you to cast it to Him. That is the lifestyle He wants you to adopt. Why? The verse gives us the reason — “for He cares for you”. You are casting all your cares upon the One who loves you, and who left all of heaven to come and die for you. That is who you are casting your cares to. It is not just any person, but it is the One who gave His life for you!

When you are going through a difficult time, God wants you to believe that you are never alone because He Himself has said that He will never leave you nor forsake you. (Hebrews 13:5) As the object of His care, He will take care of you for the rest of your life. You are never alone and always cared for!

More than a mere coincidence? He is listening.

1 comment:

KinK said...

Even machines break down, much less for humans.

Don't take it upon yourself for everything that happens. More often than not, things happen for a reason, even though we may not be fully aware of it at this moment but eventually when the clouds of doubt dissipate, things will become clear and apparent, just as you've mentioned in your one of your earlier post. =)

Sad to say, in reality, those who understand us the most hold the power to hurt us the deepest as well, regardless of whether it is in their propensity to do so. Everyone have been through it at some point in their life so don't take it too hard. Take it as a lesson learnt and probably improve the outcome bit by bit should a similar issue arise. Through pain and toll, that's how we all grow.

Lastly (please pardon my excessive verbosity, it's coming to an end soon!), life's REALLY too short to be spent in the company of tears! Don't get caught up in the multitude of negativities that life has to offer! I think you sound quite serious in most of your posts. Sometimes it's great to just let your hair down and relax for awhile. Meet up with some "long lost friends" if schedule allows, catch a senseless comedy, go chill out, etc! Just do some out-of-the-blue things which you love and enjoy! It can be rather therapeutic too! =D

Just don't overstretch that rubberband alright?

Cheers and have a great day! =D