Sunday, February 13, 2005

2 nights of partying in a row... been a long time since I partied that much... I have come to realize one thing, how much my baby really loves me... and how much he is willing to compromise just so that I can have the best of all situations. I know I have made him very unhappy these days and I am ashamed of myself and my selfishness. *sigh* I really need to get my priorities right... now I just crave for the times we used to spend together, just the 2 of us...

As luck would have it, I gotta work tonight, I have to wait for 4 days before I can come back and make it up to him... Thank god I have a weekend off and a night flight on the following day. If you're readimh this darling, I'm sorry and I love you, we're gonna spend some quality time together when I get back...

1 comment:

alhnom said...
