Saturday, September 27, 2008

Will be serving my 'sentence' starting next Saturday. The punishment is something I can accept even though others have commented that it is not fair to me. Well, there will be times in our lives that we get the short end of the stick so this time it's my turn again, no big deal.

However, there is a certain type of character which I absolutely despise. There is no proper word to sum up such a character but a snake is probably the best comparison. They are people who are cunning and insinuative, and prey on those who are helpless and weak because that's a sure-win. The good thing about them is they are efficient and get the job done so it keeps those who are of a higher position, happy. Fair enough.

Those who are at their mercy will not have the same sentiments. What absolutely gets to me is how they act like they have your best interests at heart when really, they are just pissed because their authority and control has been undermined. They cannot bear it when they are crossed and take some form of revenge. Best of all, these certain kind of people takes credit from others and when it comes to doing the nasty, it is conveniently their superiors' decision. So, they can appear to be the good person when they are behind it all in the first place.

I have no respect for such people but to clash with them head-on is foolish. I shall be on my toes from now on and fight my own fight.

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