Sunday, July 16, 2006

I am very anal about certain things. Like, being particular about sentence structures, spelling, pronounciation and enunciation. If I write something wrongly, I'll rather write it all over again than to just strike off the word. The most ridiculous by far is the naming of file names, especially my MP3 files.

I went through about 900 plus songs in my computer, making sure they are all standardized, down to which words are supposed to begin with a capital letter and all that shit. How anal is that? Geez...

But my brother always cocks things up because he doesn't care. HMMPH!:(

Oh well, off to attend Nicole's doggie's birthday party now. Would love to bring Miko but my mom says no.


Anonymous said...

Your friend is holding a birthday party for her dog? :)

Anonymous said...

I do that with my MP3s too. And I thought I was the only one ...

PalliativeDrug said...

hey... that means I'm anal too! hahaha... Obsessive Complusive Disorder.

Rheon said...

i'm another anal one! haha!