Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Just a quickie before I start getting ready to go out. Long day ahead today.

Got in from Perth last night and was up at 8am this morning. I finally wrote and sent my explanation letter for reporting late for pre-flight briefing. The e-mail server cocked up and I had to draft everything all over again. TMD.

The world is freaking getting smaller and smaller. One of the stewardess on my Perth flight told me she actually saw my Friendster profile the night before. Then she got called up for my last team flight to Perth. She saw the names of the crew rostered for the flight and saw my name and started to wonder.

Turned I happened to be the very person whose profile she saw. Uncanny! And last night,I was just talking to a friend and he told me where he used to study. I remembered one of my friends, about the same age studied at the same university too. So I asked if he knows my friend. And OH MY GOD, he does! They are old friends but only keep in contact once in awhile.

Very interesting... I think I'd better go wash my mouth out with soap. I got some feedback that guys don't like girls to swear too much. Oopsie, no wonder lah...

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