Friday, December 10, 2004

I am a real tech dud. Everyone's blog's are like so much nicer and so much more personalized than mine. I don't even know how to link, change the colour of the fonts or insert a tag board... Aiyoh... Maybe I'm just lazy to find out heh heh heh;p

Erm... kinda embarrassed to admit this but I have not figured out how to use the Bluetooth function on my phone... Can't blame me right? First time I'm owning a phone like that:( I WILL figure it out somehow, once I get used to the phone:)

Jessica wants me to go sky-diving with her when we go to Christchurh . I don't think I have the guts man. It's my absolute phobia. I'm a real chicken when it comes to these kinda activities. Oh someone please pluck my feathers or something, need the courage. Okay, THAT was lame hehehe;p

I need a new hobby. Or I should really force myself to practice the piano. It's about time I push myself. *sigh* Or maybe, I'll just go do cross-stitch, used to enjoy that a lot when I was younger. I managed to complete everything ONCE. I guess it says something about me...I tend to leave things unfinished. Not good at all...
Oh well, gonna go for pilates class yet again. Need to stretch out those tired muscles.

Cya peeps! *muakz*


chiupee is our friend said...

tech dud. i agree. WHA! HA!

Vanessa said...

Evil!!! Hmmmph!:(

3xPro said...

To learn some html basics, visit   I html on a first date. There's a link to Page Tutpr. It's not so complicated to learn some basic html tags (links, bold text, changing text color...).

3xPro said...

Oh, just one more thing to say. I like your template. It's nice.

3xPro said...

Did I mention html is addictive?