Thursday, December 16, 2004

I deleted my previous entry... it was a very somber one. Wonderful how things can just take a sudden dive for the worst. I guess I need to go away for awhile and find myself all over again. Thank god for my dear friends... what would I do without them? I do not know...

This morning, my dogs could sense my pain, I just cannot stop crying, even until now. They comforted me, licking away my tears and all... I've been crying the whole night and my eyes are all puffy and swollen now. Still I must go on...

Today I go to work with a heavy heart... Why doesn't happiness last forever? Please let me be strong...


3xPro said...

Dear Vanessa,

I was so sorry when I've read your yesterday's post. It's so sad how happines can turn into pain without any reason at all - or at least I can't see any.

I hope your friends and your dogs will help you and confort you now when you really need them.

Also, I wanted to post you this photo, gentle and beautiful like you.

alhnom said...

babe,im here for u..u knw dat. hang in there. see ya when u get back fr melbourne. ;p