Friday, July 29, 2005

I am having severe allergies... Spent the whole night sneezing my head off last night. I reported to the training centre with a puffy face and messy hair. So sad... :( I felt even more sleepy than I really am because the area under my eyes were swollen. I'm still sneezing as I type... :(

It's the result of a lethal combination of the air-con blowing directly at me and my 2 furry doggies sleeping in the same room. Attending workshops is even more tiring than doing a flight. Sitting on your ass all day really drains your energy and depletes your brain juice. I would NEVER be able to stand a 9-5 desk-bound job. I'd rather be shot. I guess I am in the right profession after all huh? Funny how things in life work out the best for you.

Feeling very miserable now, a puffy face and hair that doesn't quite behave does not make a person's day. Please let me wake up to bright, sparkling eyes, a fresh face and gorgeous hair tomorrow.

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