Saturday, July 23, 2005

I had a massive chocolate overdose today. Blame it on the oh-so-marvelous confectionary I bought from Frankfurt. I don't even want to think about where all that sugar will go... :( I am suffering from a major sugar crash now, coupled with jet lag and the little amount of sleep that I've managed to catch.

I have realized Huiling and I are more similar then we thought. Especially in the way we look at certain things. I was telling her about something that pissed me off today. She could actually tell me why I am behaving the way I do sometimes and that she understands how I feel. It's a comfort to know that I'm not alone in this.

I am so, so freaking tired now. I have a date with Huiling and my running shoes tomorrow morning. We both have the same goals hehe;p I'm not gonna stop myself from eating chocolates but I'm just gonna make sure I eat a lot less of them.

Give me some discipline!

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